Impossible creatures creature chaos
Impossible creatures creature chaos

impossible creatures creature chaos

  • Sixth film: The Astronomy Tower is a new set after being represented in the third film as a redress of the Dumbledore's Office set.
  • impossible creatures creature chaos impossible creatures creature chaos

    The giant sundial introduced in the third film disappears, although the bridge, courtyard, and clock tower remain.

    impossible creatures creature chaos

  • Fifth film: The Potions classroom (unseen since the first film) uses the set built in the second film as Snape's office.
  • Fourth film: The entrance hall is replaced with an entrance courtyard.
  • The Whomping Willow's position has changed: it's still very close to the woods, but now it's farther away from the main building and in a more mountainous area. The hospital wing is moved to the top of this tower. Hagrid's hut is moved next to a newly-added giant sundial, which is accessed across a newly-added bridge attached to a newly-added courtyard at the foot of a newly-added Clock Tower.
  • Third film: The location of the Fat Lady's portrait is changed ( as is the Fat Lady).
  • Lockhart uses a different classroom than Quirrell used in the first movie, and Lockhart's version is maintained as the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom for the rest of the series.
  • Second film: The sand pit around the Quidditch pitch is replaced with a trench.
  • Also, since the rest of the films kept that layout, the architecture of the first two films ended up looking like early installment blandness. Though the majority of the fandom agreed with the changes and considered the new, more visually-interesting architecture an indicator of the series Growing the Beard. While Hogwarts has a mild bit of Chaos Architecture going for it in-universe, one would think someone might remark on things like the fact that Hagrid's hut is in a ridiculously different location than previously shown.
  • When a new director took over on The Film of the Book of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, he disregarded everything shown in the first two movies, and Hogwarts' architecture and layout was suddenly wildly changed.
  • Shown previously as essentially a small office with some cages and posters, it is seen as an enormous darkened classroom with many cages and aquariums. The sets are, however, more elaborate as befitting the concluding film's theatrical release.
  • Our Miss Brooks: In the theatrical series finale, most of the Warner Brother's sets are similar to those previously used on the Desilu produced television episodes.

  • Impossible creatures creature chaos